Sunday, July 8, 2012

San Francisco! Our Honeymoon

Yes yes yes! Robert asked, Wyoming or San Francisco?  off CoURSE I said San Francisco!
not that I dont like Wyoming ( I would definately want to go there too! but it sounds more camping adventures to me) BUT I LOVE Big Cities (even though I don't like living in one) I LOVE different culture, Languages, seeing DIFFERENT people (Chinnese, Latin, Canadians, Native Americans, Europeans and off course Americans) and basically exploring the whole world :) yeap! that's my dream!
Ok, So We drove 12 hours to get to San francisco, we got lost and ended up at a military facility ( yes we had GPS but for some reason didn't worked as well as we tought it would be) Finally we found our hotel and we had so much fun the next few days.
And, here are some pics




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